
Turning Tables



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-27-2013, 05:59 AM

Epiphron grew silent as the woman began to speak, telling her story as quickly as possibly. The young girl pressed against her mother, eyes brimming with confusion and fear. Jalie was her name -- Natsu's mate. So much had changed since she had left Valhalla! Her heart surged, wondering where he had gone himself. But instantly she felt the burden of truth laid upon her shoulders. Murdered Natsu. Grief crept into her heart suddenly, and she whimpered a soft reply, though continued listening. She pleaded with her to take this girl in -- Arian was her name, which Epiphron caught as the one named Jaile turned to speak to her daughter.

Everything was happening far too quickly. The woman collapsed, convulsing on the ground where she'd fallen for a moment before falling completely still. Not wanting the young girl to feel her own concern and fear, she stayed silent for a long moment, watching as Arian began to cry and nudge her mother. Finally the girl looked to her -- her tear-stained eyes and utterly confused and upset expression made her heart lurch painfully in her chest. "Arian..." she said softly, tail flicking once behind her. Natsu was dead; murdered. He'd been caring for this woman, and for his newborn children, and upon his death they had been unable to care for themselves. It had been his last wish to send them here. A sigh left her lips as she considered. She had three children to care for at home, and she didn't even know if Maverick would want a rogue child coming into their home. But no... he would not be so heartless to deny her.

Slowly, she stepped closer to the girl and instinctively licked the top of Arian's head, pulling her close to her chest. "You can come with me for now," she said, not wanting the child to feel alone or unwanted. Certainly she was scared, and terribly upset, but she wanted to do anything she could to dull the pain. "How does that sound? I have three children about the same age as you to keep you company.." She wasn't sure how permanent the arrangement would be, but she had no idea what else she could possibly do right now.