
Adravendi Babies!



6 Years
05-13-2020, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 05-13-2020, 12:15 PM by Asgeira.)
Name: Amaranth Adravendi
Gender: Female

Physical Description: 34" // Light Build
Amaranth has a sprinter's build, all legs and lean muscle. As a pup she's too gangly to be coordinated, but upon nearing her first year begins learning how to at least fake grace. Unfortunately it will probably be another full year before she stops tripping over her own paws. Her features are sharp and feminine; bright blue eyes set just so in her skull, giving her a certain intensity when she's angry (or when she's just purposefully trying to freak you out.) Her coat is a sun-dappled smattering of earthen colors, haphazardly patched over a creamy white base. If not for these white patches she might blend in well to her surroundings but as it stands, barring a recent snowfall, she usually sticks out like a sore thumb. Amaranth considers herself quite pretty, while trying her best not to be (or at least) act vain about it. Once you've met her she is not easily forgotten.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunting & Intellect
Peter Pan - Amaranth has a hard time acting her age. As a pup this suits her just fine, but as she grows it is likely to cause her some problems here and there. She's much more likely to be playing pranks and pulling tricks than working on tasks set for her. She can get down to business when absolutely necessary, but don't expect her to be civil about it. She is quick-witted and clever, often hiding her intelligence behind acting like a fool. Someone who knows her well might be able to use these traits to their advantage, as long as they can put up with her hijinks in the meantime. In general she is typically very friendly and outgoing, but doesn't suffer stiff personalities well. Anyone who is laid back and easy-going is probably someone she can get along with, as long as they don't mind her suggesting agitating bee hives and white water rafting as fun bonding activities.

Robin Hood - Amaranth has a strong sense of right and wrong. She doesn't suffer bullies well, but she's not really the sort to start an all-out brawl if she can avoid it. She'd rather use her wits to get payback on her own terms, in her own time. She's not a knight in shining armor charging across a battlefield, but rather the one hiding amongst the trees ready to pull tight a rope and trip up their horses. She will always advocate for the little guys, and thinks the world should be a fair and just place. Along with this comes a sense of naivety that may come back to haunt her in later years.

Dread Pirate Roberts - Amaranth isn't above concealing her intentions until she knows that she is in an advantageous position. She can put on a mask when required, and play a part if it means getting to the bottom of something that's bothering her. She knows that honesty is not always the best policy, especially when dealing with less savory characters. Given the chance she will use every tool at her disposal, including unusual alliances and forming friendships with those others might find odd or off-putting. She is largely an accepting sort, as long as it helps get her to where she wants to go. Amaranth is not easily riled to anger, and few things short of putting her family or friends at risk can get a rise out of her. If you do happen to trespass on these sacred grounds, you can expect her to go to the ends of the earth to set it right, and to make sure you never make a similar mistake ever again.

Captain Jack Sparrow - Amaranth can be... cocky, at times. There's a certain assuredness that seems to follow her every waking moment, in part born out of youth and overconfidence. She's quick to crack a joke or a wry comment, even at her own expense as long as it gets a laugh. She enjoys poking and prodding at others, all in harmless good fun if you ask her, and if it ruffles some feathers its not her fault that some people can't take a good joke. She'd be happy to explain to you in detailed, colorful language the many reasons why it's unhealthy to have a stick wedged that far up your ass. There are few people in the world she truly respects and because of this, and all details stated above, she is known to butt heads with authority from time to time. If someone she hasn't deemed as worth listening to gives her an order, there's a 50-50 chance she'll muck it up on purpose, just because she can.

General plans: I mostly see Mara paling around with Meri and her siblings for the foreseeable future, enjoying her youth by poking bears, spelunking caves, and generally being irresponsible. In the long term I'd like to see her take on a more roving, exploratory path paired with lots of crafting and trading. Ideally I'd try to make sure she maintains a strong bond with her family members, but also has lots of opportunities to make friends and allies among all walks of life on site.