
Games at the border



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-13-2020, 05:50 PM

A small chuckle escaped her. "That's true. Patrols aren't my favorite thing ever... honestly I'd rather be training," she sighed. "It's much more exciting." Then she shrugged. "It's gotta be done, though." When she'd first begun, it was admittedly relaxing -- the repetitive fall of her paws along the familiar trail; taking in the whole of the Armada's territory. It was a brief respite from her constantly-moving routine, and even the energetic young woman needed a break now and again.

But one could only follow the same trails so many times until they got bored of them. Even the changing landscape was not enough to hold her interest. Mal carried out her duties, well, dutifully, but that was the extent of her commitment.

Mort's company was wanted, and his next question grabbed her attention. Thinking, she bent down to sniff at a prey trail, noting the stench of something rancid. Hoof disease. Maybe she and Mortis could track it down, after their hunt. Her ears flicked thoughtfully. "He hasn't actually," she answered, moving along. "I doubt he would give me one at the start of winter... but anyway, I guess I thought the garden in Io's cottage was the only one on the territory?"

She was mistaken, though. Malalia didn't expect to have any plots of land outside of her own den. Too, the small herb garden that Pia had kept had been the sole source of herbs for her former pack, so the idea was a bit unexpected. She hadn't seen Bird's or Indigo's gardens as of yet.

Mal couldn't help but snort loudly at Mort's chosen scent. How can you even smell snow??? "Wow, okay, you know what..." The empty, unnamed threat hung in the air, and his quick recovery only made her narrow her eyes. "Uh huh, okay. I smell.... you." She wrinkled her nose. "You're pretty funky, you know that?" Of course, it was entirely in jest, a smirk playing on her lips as she took a few dramatic steps away from the boy.

They kept walking for quite a while, eventually coming to the halfway point of their patrol. Mala was paying attention, but the boredom was clearly evident on her face.
