
Games at the border



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-13-2020, 11:21 PM

Malalia grinned approvingly at Mortis' philosophy. "We make our own fairness," she repeated. The pup was wiser than she gave him credit for. She viewed Mortis a kid -- a fun, friendly kid, but a kid nonetheless -- but even kids had their insights. Azure certainly had, even if she disagreed with those.

She shrugged. "I suppose some would say it has." She wouldn't elaborate, not quite yet. In the meantime, she pointed out the plants and their various uses. "Motherwort is in the name. It's supposed to make childbirth easier by stimulating contractions." She moved onto the shriveled marigolds, taking up a tiny flowerhead in her paw. "The petals for these are great at soothing bee stings, bug bites, and small scratches. It's also good for sore throats," she explained. "Although I prefer honey myself. It's a little difficult to acquire, as you can probably guess." She'd never personally collected honey, but the idea of a swarm of dozy bees covering her face was not exactly enticing.

Malalia padded over to to the first herb she'd identified, flicking her tail for Mort to come closer. "You see how it has a soothing aroma? That's an easy way to remember its uses. Eating the petals can help calm you down, and many use it as a sleep aid." She flicked her ears. "Others for depression, too."

The earth might've been cold, but Malalia settled down anyway, careful not to lay on the plants that were already dead. "The pack I was born into--" A lump formed in her throat, but she spoke past it. "My natal pack was a combination of the original pack that lived on a stretch of grassland, and a new pack that challenged them. The challengers won, and ran off the original Alphas... but they kept the original members that survived the battle. The new Alpha, my father, married my mother, who was a member of the original pack. They thought it would... ease the tensions between the old and the new."

"Is that a little confusing?" She tilted her head. "It's easier having lived it," she laughed. She would pause here before she went on.
