
Games at the border




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-14-2020, 02:32 AM
He kicked out violently, trying to keep its teeth from his throat. It thrashed and snapped them, saliva dripping from its fangs, as through it could already taste the sweetness of his meat. His blood hammered in his hears, his heart pounded. He had never been in so precarious a situation in his young life. He heard Mals angry cry, and could only assume she wasnt doing too well either. He gave one, final, angry shove, bellowing with his own frustrations, and knocked it off balance. He got to his feet, and made a rocky mode. He turned to Mal, trying to see if she was okay over the ruckus of the fight. For his troubles, he felt fangs in his hunches as his own opponent took advnatgae of his distraction.

Anger growing, Mortis turned back to own dog. He smacked it hard on the snout with a wing, it yelped in surprise and released him. The pup lashed out with his cat-like claws, and scored a splash across its nose. It leaped at him, and he brought down his wing, it crashed against it. The boy winced with the impact, but didnt waste the moment. He leapt on the dog, this time driving it to the ground. He tore at it violently, his coat shaking with a momentary madness, until he felt its throat quiet by accident, and the dog bleed out before him. He pulled himself from the corpse, still shaking, and turned back to his friend. "Mal!" He cried, running to see if she needed help with her own enemy.