
I See You


5 Years
Athena I
08-27-2013, 09:14 AM

Gael's close proximity to her was quite distracting. He towered over her so with his chest pressed to her shoulder she could easily sit and nuzzle into his neck. It was hard sometimes to remind herself that he was still a yearling and may very well still have some growing to do with him already so much taller than she was. Meili resisted the urge to cuddle up to him like she wished she could and turned her attention back to her hunt.

With a flick of her ears she heard movement in the distance. Her head turned to her iChat and sure enough there was the doe she had been stalking before, apparently unable to resist the lush grasses that the valley offered. The deer did seem to have a little bit of common sense, seeing as she was on the very edge of the valley with her ears alert, but still a very possible meal for the little hunter.

Meili looked up at Gael, a grin flicking across her muzzle. "You block hr off and take her down if she gets away from me and I'll be sure to send her in your direction?" she asked softly, giving a little toss of her head in the direction of the deer. She crouched down; easily disappearing in the grasses. She led the way toward their prey, moving slowly and quietly. When they were about three yards away, Mei gave him a little nod to say wait here, and she crept in an ark around behind the doe. She has to be extra careful since the tricky deer had placed herself where the grasses had begun to thin out toward the tree line, but Meili still managed to remain undetected. She closed the distance between her and her future meal. At the last possible second she leaped out of the grasses, spooking the deer into taking off in Geal's direction. She got in one firm bite on the doe's hind leg before it took off, slowing it down considerably. She gave a short woof in her man's direction, warning him to be ready.
