
Aesir's Holmgang



4 Years
Extra large
05-14-2020, 10:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2020, 10:07 PM by Aesir.)
Valkyrie's gaze settled over him like a lead weight. For all that he was maintaining a tough exterior, inside he was roiling. Not from nerves, not entirely, but rather that Aesir felt he was on the cusp of something. The next few moments would decide his course from there on, and one only came across so many similar moments throughout their lives. It felt as if his fur was standing on end, his senses heightened... waiting. Just waiting.

Valkyrie was undecided in the end. And, like any good Dróttin, seemed to feel that such a matter was best decided with a show of force. Well, he thought to himself, its better than an execution. "Let's see what the gods make of you, eh?" If it wasn't for the audience Aesir would have barked out a laugh. He was well acquainted with the gods' opinions of him, and found himself hoping they were busy elsewhere until this fight was finished. Aesir crouched, and waited.

Turns out, he didn't have to wait very long. Valk launched herself towards his left side as quick as a striking snake. He had only a moment to process, and reacted more instinctively than as a response to prior planning. She soared through the air, and so Aesir did what came naturally: He ducked. Aesir intended to use her momentum to his advantage. As she angled towards him, Aesir waited until she was nearly atop his back and felt her claws graze his shoulders before tucking his right shoulder and dropping down, pushing sharply upwards with his left shoulder, hoping to throw her off balance and back to the earth below them.

Aesir turned then, pushing off hard with his left forelimb to chase after Valkyrie's trajectory. He hoped to toss her to the ground, either off balance or onto her back even, either would be fine by him. His jaws snapped towards whatever bit of her flesh was the closest, hoping her left shoulder. He didn't intend to maim or debilitate her, only to cause pain. He followed up the snap with a surging forwards charge, hoping to barrel his weight forwards and get Valkyrie into a submissive position on the ground beneath him. Winning or losing this fight didn't matter to him so much as showing Valkyrie that he didn't intend to lay down and let fate have its way with him. He would fight until the last breath, and if that meant fighting her then so be it.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks

Aesir Skaldi vs Valkyrie for Minor Maim/Honor
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Antlers (small) - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Beginner Navigator
Specialty: N/A