
Adravendi Babies!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
05-16-2020, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2020, 03:39 PM by Avalon.)
Name: Gwyneira Adravendi
Gender: Female

Physical Description: 28"|Medium build
Gwyneira is a beauty, but that's a given considering her lineage. It's obvious what that lineage is to anyone who knew the true Adravendi line because the genetic dice decided to make her a throwback of the Adravendi line. It's almost as if all the old souls from the past rose up and reincarnated...and the result? Her. She has a creamy base coat, paler in some places, subtly darker in others. A stony beige if you will. And similar to many in her line, she has rustic points across her body, similar to siamese point markings. She wears a delicate reddish mask on her face, and her all four legs are gloved as well. Likewise, her ears and tail are also dipped in this color and all of these points have a soft rustic fade that blends perfectly together to create a softened look, especially with the creamy beige of her coat. Strewn across her back, the infamous Adravendi-Mathias markings. A speckling that's stronger in color over her hips, and gradually fades towards her sides. Last but not least, her eyes. One eye bears green and the other an ocean blue, each a trait from her great-grandparents, Maverick & Epiphron.
Alignment: True Neutral
Skills: Fighting x Healing
Personality: Gwyneira may appear soft and delicate, and with that look comes all sorts of possible assumptions about who she might be or how she might act. But contrary to her looks, she is a mature and well-educated individual. While yes, she may be soft-spoken, she is far from a pushover. She knows how to hold her ground and fend for herself quite well, especially given her family lineage. As a healer, she does have her soft side. She is kind and willing to help those who need it. Willing to go out of her way if she absolutely has to. That doesn't necessarily mean she'll put herself in the line of danger for others, but she sure as hell will do her best to do what she can to ensure safety and survival. She has a good and level head on her shoulders, a broad thirst for knowledge, and an even bigger thirst for adventure. Loyal to no end, Gwyneira's loyalties are not so easily swayed. She's immune to sweet-talking tricks and isn't so easily pressure into doing things she doesn't want to do. Save for maybe when it comes to her more adventurous siblings, but for them, she goes along if only to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't get into too much trouble.

On the other side of the line, she has a fighters spirit and has no qualms about fighting those she needs to fight. While she doesn't necessarily care for which side she's fighting for, she fights for whatever she believes is the right thing to do. Or maybe she just likes to partake in a good fight here and there, who knows. That being said, while she isn't the big and burly type, she tends to use her quick wit and agility to try and get one over on her opponents. Fighting aside, she likes to learn all the different possibilities and scenarios that can happen during high stress situations so she can be found constantly practicing and occasionally bribing her siblings to help her in her endeavors. This may or may not include her using different tricks and tactics to face plant them.

When she isn't healing, learning, or trying to rub her siblings faces in the dirt, she does like to partake in a drink here and there (when she's older of course). She's not shy in the slightest and may often challenge her siblings or whoever she feels can keep up with her. Drinking games are her secret pleasure, but she tries her damndest to hide that guilty pleasure of hers away from her family lest they try to use it against her. And while yes, everyone has a limit, she's usually testing hers more and more in an effort to push the limit as much as she can. On that note, she likes to consider herself a pretty great drunk. Ya never know which side of her will come out when she reaches peak drunkenness but it's always an entertaining gamble.
General plans: Stick around the family most likely, watch them get into their shenanigans and possibly try in vain to keep em out of trouble but would likely succumb to letting them learn things the hard way. Lovingly of course xD explore, travel, make friends etc etc. Potentially become the bands brewer ;D


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!