
Dream A Little Dream Of Me



3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
05-15-2020, 07:01 PM
His genuine surprise at her lineage earned a delighted laugh from Eyrún. "Indeed we are, but I'm not sure how closely. My father was a Finnvi, I've been told. I heard of Valkyrie's ambitions when I was young and decided to follow her here once I was ready to be onmy own." And the rest? Well, like she'd admitted to Éldi already she wasn't terribly concerned with what happened in her future, so long as it aligned with her overall goals in life. So far Hjarrandi was proving to be exactly what she'd hoped for in that regard.

And...  well, Éldi was proving more like-minded than she'd originally thought. She'd had no doubt he lived the sort of life that she found worthwhile, but she knew nothing of his beliefs, though the emphasis placed on honor was something she had mixed feelings on. When it came to her comrades, it was surely important, but otherwise? Eyrún wouldn't comment on that matter for now. Honoring her gods and goddesses was more important than any other sort of honor. "I can only hope as much. If I even step foot beyond Valgrind I'll consider myself blessed." And no sooner, lest she become lazy and complacent. Such a life wasn't meant for her.

"What about you? Your future, I mean." She wasn't really one for small talk but she was interested in getting to know him, and much more willing to sit and chat now that they'd gotten some energy out of their system. Occasionally she glanced into the darkness of night, making sure there were no foolish coyotes waiting for them in the shadows. "I know you said that someday your parents might try to drag you off to get married. What if they don't?" She raised a brow, curious, returning to eating the rabbit she'd started on in the meantime.