
Large Pile of Sand



10 Years
08-27-2013, 11:07 AM

About a week or two had passed since the pups had left the den and Odette was already excited about the outside world. There was so much to see and she intended to see all of it in time. For now, she loved the time spent with being curled up with her little family at night and waking up next to her father most mornings. At such an early age, Odette felt there was a magnetic bond with her and Gargoyle. Of course, she loved both parents equally, but there was something about her daddy that made her watch him all of the time. She hoped that there would be plenty of stories to tell others of him when she got older.
That morning, Odette was up after the sun began to rise. She had stretched her legs and yawned with a wide mouth, revealing little rows of teeth before they clamped shut. Sleepily, she shook her fluffy fur all over and started to pad towards the entrance of the cave. Looking out at the beach, she reclined to her small haunches as she felt the warmth of the oncoming sun make its way towards their claimed home. Odette breathed in the salty sea air and felt it sting her poor little nose. She immediately sneezed and shook her head from the impact. Bleary eyes blinked away the remaining sting and she coughed to recover her senses. What a smell!
She looked over her shoulders to see her sleeping family. They were all curled up together, enjoying the blissful world of slumber. A small part of her envied them and wished to be asleep again, but the majority of her mind told her being awake was okay, too. Slowly, she rose and turned to pad back to them. She knew Gargoyle was a light sleeper, but she spoke in a whisper as she said, "Goin' to play in the sand, Papa," before turning high tail and racing out to the beach. The sun had been out long enough to warm up the grains of sand, making them look like diamonds from a far distance. It was all she ever wanted in a large sandbox.
Odette immediately looked for the biggest pile of sand, and it didn't take long for her to see it. She raced down the beach, making small waves of sand rise and fall behind her "large" bounds. The pup didn't keep track of how far away she was from the den. All she knew was that once she found her pile of sand, she was smitten. "Time to conquer!" she yelled, puppy tones being carried on the winds that danced across the beach. Giggles escaped her and she dove straight for the base of her claimed pile.



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