Cairo II
Master Fighter (250)
Master Hunter (295)
9 Years
His ears angled toward her as she gave him another small tidbit of her past. “I only knew my mother. Our father… we don’t know for sure who he was. Mom fell into a ravine and struck her head, and a stranger helped her… And then she was pregnant with us.”
His head cocked thoughtfully as he considered, then said, “She was an older woman when she had us, but she did her best to balance motherhood and leadership duties. But we never met our father.”
He stretched and rolled to his paws, ambling to check the meat strips. Systematically, he turned each rack to let the other side get some heat. Likely he’d be napping off an on during the night, getting up to turn the racks so they would dry evenly.
He picked up a thick stick of wood, tossing it on the fire, followed by two more before returning to his spot, watching the flame lick over the fresh fuel.