
Winters Frost



Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-15-2020, 08:38 PM

Malalia hummed softly at the explanation. "I've just started using honey in poultices," she remarked, recalling the bottle of honey that Cairo had given her. It really worked wonders, sticking to wounds a lot better than the catchweed burrs she'd used before. Being integrated into the poultice certainly helped. "Where do you find salt, though? And vinegar?" Her only reference for salt was the sea, and on surfaces where seawater had evaporated and left powdery white stains behind. She didn't even know where to acquire vinegar, much less what the substance was, exactly.

At the offer of a teacher, her brows furrowed, but her excitement couldn't help but shine through her wiggling tail. It would be great to learn from her, but -- "Another woman mentors me at the Armada... I think you can learn from everyone, and I would love to learn anything you have to teach me." The woman was kind, giving with her knowledge and clearly an experienced healer.

"But please, don't let me keep you here," she rushed. "I mean, most of my time will be spent at the Armada." Even if it wasn't healing lessons specifically, she would still be busy training to become Reaper, or at least a warrior -- and hopefully, she would be much more busy after that.

It wasn't long before Mal spied a fair amount of the white flowerheads growing along one of the wider streams, and neighbored by a clump of dandelion to boot! She carefully stepped around the trickle of water and nipped off a few stems of each, leaves and all. "How much do you need?"

The question of a pack brought an embarrassed lowering of your ears. "No. I keep meaning to get one -- mostly I've been stuffing things in my bracelet." She indicated the silver bangle around her left hindlegs, stuffed with a few squares of doeskin, folded over to store tiny amounts of dried herbs. It was a pretty sorry setup, but she'd been running around too often to stop and get something more practical.
