
Favorite Dish of the River


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-15-2020, 11:50 PM
[ooc: Sorry for the delay!!! I must have missed your reply >.< ]

Mala hummed in thought at the boy's reply. She knew she was friendlier than most -- not lacking in caution, not really, but usually far more ready to approach strangers than most were. "You have a fair point about that," she conceded, "Although, I don't think getting snarky with me has anything to do with caution." Mal gave him a side-long glance before happily moving forward. She hadn't missed the attempted jab at pack life in general, and her choice to call herself Ashen Armada. Hell, if anything, that was more reckless, if she were the type to get offended by that kind of thing.

There we go, she thought as a genuine smile graced his features, and she shot back a grin of her own before darting over to catch herself a fish. After settling into position, she was... incredibly still. She was actually proud of how well she'd gotten that part down, but a little harder was what came next. Her eyes were trained on the water, and at the shimmer of scales, she waited a few heartbeats until the fish was near her. Her head dove forward, jaws parted to snap up the fish, but she only received the shock of cold water up her nose.

Over the next ten minutes or so she would reset and try two more times. On the fourth time, her face was dripping wet, but Malalia was determined. Spying another flash of scales, she waited until just the right moment, before diving forward. Good news: she caught it! Bad news: she wasn't as steady as she'd thought. As her jaws snapped around the wriggling, wet body, the lurch of her movement sent her paws sprawling on the wet stones, and she tumbled headlong into the river.

Luckily, she was soaked, but relatively unscathed as she popped out of the river, forepaws gripping the bank as she pulled herself up with a wriggling bass in her grip.
