
Where are you gonna go when I'm gone?


08-27-2013, 12:00 PM

She paid little attention to the words that fell from his lips, her focus was slowly on his movements, the fire that danced in his eyes. A vicious smile remained on her face, fangs peeking out from behind leathery lips. He continued to move closer, leaving behind the safety of the distance he had. He purposefully put himself within striking distance. Better yet, why don't you show me. Any surprise that she felt didn't show. He was asking for it? His steps became clumsy as he closed the distance. She was older, certainly had more experience than him. Muscles coiled like steel springs. "With pleasure my dear." She struck with unforgiving speed. Jaws unhinged as she threw herself at the young boy. Her goal was to collide her chest into his left (cats right) shoulder. A snarl ripped from her jaws. Wanting to keep him close, she brought her left forelimb up, intending to hook it over his neck. Jaws aimed to grab the flesh on the side of his neck.

Adrenaline shot through her, pounded through her veins. Eyes had narrowed on the vision of her victim, audits going flat against her silver scalp. Lives would be spared, but prisoners would be taken she was sure of it. With her plume streamlining behind her for balance, muscles remained loose, flowing with ease through her attacks. Oculars watched for any sign of his movement, any sign that her attack might fail. Only time would tell just how experienced or inexperienced the boy was. She could feel the heat of his body mingling with her own, the hairs of his darker pelt mixing with her silver. It had been some time since she had last been in any contact with another wolf, it wasn't something she found comfort in, just something she did for her own pleasure. What seemed like hours was only seconds, from the time she spoke, to the moment she struck, desperately wanting to feel her body collide with his.

Should her attack fail, claws from her lifted left leg would move to score his flesh, jaws would snap relentlessly until they found purchase. She was determined to keep him within her grasps, his escape would only add fuel to her fire, make his life more miserable and hers more pleasurable. Growls rumbled from her throat, lips remained curled back over fangs, her defenses strong and unwavering. She would have her way. She would revel in the feeling of him pinned beneath her, as she would make it happen eventually. There was no escape for the youngster. "You're gonna be mine." Sensual lyrics eased from between her jaws, such few words speaking volumes. Should her jaws meet the flesh on his neck, words would be slightly muffed, but still spoken with clear intent.

Attacks: lunged forward intending to knock her chest into Bas's left shoulder (her right since they are facing each other), jaws aimed to grab the left side of his neck while her left leg was brought up intending to hook over his neck/shoulder

Defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail flagged out behind her, stance wide for balance

Injuries: none

Round 1/3

OOC- Permission by Nyx to edit the # of rounds, to make this a dominance spar, and to inform Basilisk that Cat is gonna own him >;)

Cat Talk, Cena Talk,