
Return of the Serpent



3 Years
05-16-2020, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2020, 01:29 PM by Fel.)

With One Fel Swoop

She had been on the hunt. Searching for lost family after the brutal thrashing that the volcano had given the land. Her hunt had been in vain and, unfortunately, Fel was coming home empty handed. She had searched far and she had searched wide. During this search she had come upon the remains of many wolves claimed by the volcano's hunger. She decided that none of the skulls had held the familiar shape of her mother or sister, and so she continued her search. For months she combed the land, searching high and low, but there was hide nor hair of her quarry. There were no tales of their passing. Though the woman was fiercely determined, after a while even she was forced to give up the chase.

Fel would return home to Auster in defeat. Having come from the far northern point of the world, she made her way down the center of the land. Curving around Redwater Rocks in her pursuit of the landbridge that would take her home, she searched for water by scent and was surprised to find a different scent that was much more interesting than the water. Family. The rich scent of her kin soaked into the dark fae's nares and she closed her red eyes as she absorbed them into her skull once more. It had been too long. Far too long.

Passing the well marked border, Fel found the water that she'd initially been searching for. After drinking her fill and washing the dust of the road from her throat, she tilted her muzzle upward and released one clear note, beckoning her kin to meet her. The woman was thinner than she had been; her pelt a little worse for wear. Dirt and dust clung to her and her paw pads were rough from use. Her claws were chipped and cracked. Her months away hadn't been spent idly and it showed. It didn't matter to her how she looked. Not now. Not when she was so close to being in the presence of family again. Wherever they were, she was home.


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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.