
Adravendi Babies!

Mercy II


3 Years
Dire wolf
05-16-2020, 11:24 AM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2020, 11:25 AM by Mercy II.)
Name: Astralagus Adonis Adravendi
Gender: Male
[Image: 0IeopqI.png]
Twins with Mara!
Physical Description: 35" | Medium Build
This boy will stand slightly larger than his twin, a bit more stocky over her more feminine frame. He is still agile enough to be lithe on his paws, but will bare the body of a fighter, much practice to beat up all the boys that try to hit on his sisters. His coat is a mix of earthen browns, mottled into mismatched patches, hardly one hair the same shade of brown. He has patches of white that break up the quilt-work of his pelt, haphazardly cutting across his form. There is little rhyme or reason to the colour of his fur, not quite brown, not quite white, a seemingly different pattern no matter where you look. Stark baby blue eyes stand out against his earthy coat, no different from his twin sister in that area.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Intellect & Fighting
"You sure this is sanitary??" - To say that Astra is cautious would be an understatement. He is slow to the party when it comes to grand adventures, at least when it contains a lot of unknowns, dirty water, and the unforeseen goop that he is surly to have thrown at him. While he doesn't really mind getting dirty, he would prefer to keep clean, and you know, out of things that could possibly kill him. He has no issues with heights, or swimming, not at all! More so this falls into the mud and muck category, ironic since he himself seems to be covered in mud half the time, generally no thanks to Amaranth. There is a lot of hesitation in his step when they run off to explore new things, often stating things that could potentially hurt them. He blames his endless knowledge on the subject of deathly things on his need for a sanitary area to occupy.

"Well, actually..." - Knowledge is love, knowledge is life. Astralagus loves to learn all things, and also to share his knowings with all who will listen. He likes to interject himself into conversations with a very cocky "well, actually...", most likely two very dreaded words for his family. There is no end to his need to know all things, and to also very plainly state that he knows all things. He hates being wrong though, and grows very sour and moody if he ever gets corrected, or finds out that he is indeed wrong about something. Being wrong is not a thing that he likes to admit, and will do his very best to avoid that statement by either delving into how he could have been right, or changing the subject completely to go on a rant about something or another. Because Gus is never wrong, nope, not at all. He is all knowing, which is pretty much the same as being all powerful, you know?

"Hey, only I can call her that!!" - Growing up with many sisters would drive most crazy, and, well, it would be a lie if Astralagus didn't admit that that is the truth. Despite the girls driving him crazy, and his many taunts back at them, he will protect them with his life. He is very protective of his family, and will stop at nothing to make sure that they are safe. No one will ever be good enough for his sisters, and he will be the one to impress if they ever want to date someone in his family. Astra has a way of interjecting himself into business that isn't his, just wanting to be sure that his sisters are making good choices. This will lead to many stalking situations, as well as date interrupting, fighting, and bold claims of the fact of him being so completely awesome is the reason why no man will ever be good enough for them. So while he might not always be the most gentleman like wolf towards his siblings, only he can do that because he is their brother. So don't you dare be rude to them, or you might end up losing an ear.

"It wasn't /that/ funny..." - Being made fun of is a pretty large fact of life when you grow up in a large, close knit family. Astralagus is used to being the one with all the knowledge, the big, protective brother that can never do anything wrong. So when he does to something wrong, or when his siblings get under his skin, he turns into a big pouting, woe-is-me, big baby. He will never cry in front of his family, hopefully, but those big pouting lips will be seen, and often. He can be quite dramatic once they finally do get a rise out of him, usually at a loss of words, for once, when they expose his soft underbelly. Sulking can extent for days, depending on how great the transgression was against his highness. He is a very sore loser, and won't ever let your forget it.

General plans: Most likely to be dragged around by his twin, getting into trouble that he doesn't really want to get into. He won't wander too far from his family, being very protective of them. He will either try to follow Amaranth around, or join the rest of his siblings in the band and go back and forth between the two of them.
[Image: db3g53r-75e5e98d-3da3-46fa-988d-a5116dde...bOI7_8Kz2M]
Thread with this character at your own risk! She is rude, prone to swearing, flirting, and biting. She is unpredictable at best and cannot always be kind.