
Gifted Talents [Malalia]


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-16-2020, 11:31 PM

Mal exhaled, but said nothing as Cairo went off to retrieve this mystery gift of his. She sat on her haunches and wrapped her tail alongside her paws, the picture of patience as she waited. She gave a little wiggle when she saw the man returning, then, and stood as he set the pack down in front of her. It was... bigger than she'd expected, but then again she still didn't know what it was. Mal raised a brow at the expectant grin, but soon enough she used a paw to unwrap the pack.

It was familiar and it was not, and after a moment she realized that it was most likely the hide from the young buck they'd hunted together. The girl ran her paws over the hardened leather armor, tracing over the intricate swirls of plant life, the beading, the pouches and the designs that adorned them. She nosed the silver and black ruff of sheepskin at the collar, eyed the stitches, the dye work. It was clearly well-made and painstakingly fashioned.

Her tail only wagged silently at the work. Joy flooded through her, excitement at the prospect of real armor, that Cai thought well enough of her to give such a gift. She was not without a touch of guilt, too. The same that appeared when Sirius had gifted her the steel claws. At least she was a part of his pack, the gift an investment of sorts, a boon for any warrior to have. But what had she done to deserve this?

"It-It's amazing, Cairo," she stuttered. Her voice was quiet, but her tail kept moving, betraying her happiness. She couldn't even muster up a joke this time, much less look at the man. "How... I didn't expect... you made all this for me?" It didn't hurt, too, that her natal home had been lacking in this kind of crafting, this artistry. It only made the gift that much more wonderful.


ooc: thank you again! <3