
don't eat the yellow snow




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-17-2020, 12:11 AM

The bright side was, Mortis had colours that would fit in very well with midnight. Mostly dark, with hints of blue, and subtle silvers, he was like an echo of the shadows that stretched around them. He considered that deeply as he darted away from the tree, and let her count. Like she did, he moved towards the river, following his early path into it, in the hopes she would struggle to differentiate between old and new.

He had whispered to Bast earlier to find him some peppers, and the Leopard held them wrapped in a leaf. He broke them open, careful not to get them on his paws, and scattered them across the path he had taken. The strong scent would also mask his own, and make it more difficult for her to pick up the path. He tossed the peppers aside, half hoping she thought he had rolled in it, and would follow the scent of them in the wrong direction.

When he reached the river, he plunged into it, gasping at the cold, his teeth chittering. He moved further up it, just in case she did manage to follow his scent this far, and then got to work. He found a high bank, and dug into the soft mud, until he could press himself up against the side of it. Half of his body in the water, the rest buried in the mud, with just his dark muzzle poking out. His wings, he wrapped about himself in an effort to hold in some of his warmth. The biggest danger was if his chattering teeth gave him away. Bast, meanwhile, would enter the stream, exit it, and continue onwards. Mal would be welcome to follow him on a wild goose chase… well he froze his ass off waiting for her to look far and wide for him.
