
let me knight all of you!

post raid rank up meeting



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
05-17-2020, 10:31 AM

Quiet is the night that brings me home

She sat in the comfort of her boys at her side, thankful for Void as he pressed into her. Nuzzling into the boy, she gave him a quick kiss before returning her attention to her niece. Pride flared in her chest, peeking around for a moment and those who participated in the raid. They had fought them off, defended their home, and stood the winners over Winterfell. Eu might have only been back home for a short time, but she knew that they found Abaven at the right time. She was able to be here to heal her children, at least physically, that was. Blowing out a soft sigh, she shook away her somber thoughts and instead focused on the words of Theory. She was the first to be addressed, shock making her blue eyes open wider as she stuttered for a moment. But she had hardly done anything, had she not? A blush warmed her cheeks as she humbly dipped her head, nodding slowly. She had been given a task, and she would be a fool to turn it down. "I accept," she said, trying to feign strength in the two words that left her. Eulogy was glad that the girl moved on quickly, turning her attention to the others that had settled around them.

Desolate was after her, her gaze twisting quickly to the hesitant child. Her chest nearly hurt from the amount of pride that bubbled up within. She wanted to wrap herself around him, throw herself on Des and scream her joy at him. However, she hesitated, biting her tongue and instead offering him a quick bump of her shoulder. When Theory kept on though, demanding that he study with her as a battle medic, her mocha body froze. Their relationship was already rocky as it were, he seemed to not want her around at all and yet now Theory was forcing them together. She cast her gaze to the younger girl, wondering if she too had seen the tension between them, thus forcing them to be at each others side. A hint of a grateful smile crossed her lips, while she knew that Desolate was probably less than pleased, she would not take this study time for granted. Perhaps if she showed him that she wasn't useless, that she had a purpose and knowledge to share... well, a mentor would be better than being nothing to him at all. Eu would have to talk to Theory later. For now, her attention focused on the brown and white boy beside her. He was doing well at hiding his emotions, his curt words not betrayed too much of his emotions. Eu kept her words to herself, knowing that not much would come of her expression of pride. It would seem like they would have a lot of time to chat, anyways.

They moved through the ranks, and the end of the meeting came to Void. She could feel the starry child press against her more firmly as a choice was laid out at his paws, and she nuzzled his shoulder as a sign of encouragement. Being able to pick a rank for himself, that was something so special that she didn't know what to say. When the boy found his words, stating that he wanted to a scout of some kind, she pressed a kiss against his cheek. They were growing up far too fast, finding their place in the pack and making a name for themselves. She couldn't be more proud of them, of all of them. Eulogy turned to beam at Theory, her eyes squinting closed under the weight of true happiness.

[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]