
Adravendi Babies!


1 Year
05-17-2020, 02:19 PM
Name: Airikr Adravendi
Gender: Male

Design 2: Design #5
Physical Description: 23'' | Light build
A runt compared to his siblings, Airikr may as well be a mouse running underneath the feet of giants. There have been smaller; of course there have been smaller. But that doesn't deny the fact that, as small as he is, he'll be unnoticeable in terms of height. That doesn't mean his pride's at risk. At least, not in a way that would show. He walks with as much confidence as his larger siblings- maybe even more. Although it may not work, may just make him look like a fool, he tries his best to seem intimidating. It's the most he can do when he knows deep down that someone could easily pick him up and toss him aside like it was nothing. Make do with what you can, right?

He's not spectacular when it comes to his fur, either. Where most of his siblings are cloaked almost entirely in a snowy white, Airikr's is covered in shades of earthy tones, some darker than others. He does boast the darker freckling along his back and hips that make it oh-so clear what his lineage would be. A darker shade than his earthy base coat, nearing an almost-black. This same shade coats his front paws to create point-like markings, although the effect is lost on his white back paws.

His eyes may be the most catching part about him, if only for the sudden spark of color in an otherwise earthy frame. A light, icy blue, flickering with more independence and ferocity that a pup his age should have. Or a wolf as small as he is, for that matter.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Hunt & Intellect
Personality: Airikr, while not exactly a leader, is surely not a follower. He doesn't like being told to do things he doesn't want to do. Sure, it's a different story if he understands that it will end up helping him. He'll do it, if only reluctantly. Otherwise, he refuses to be pushed around. He won't go to the extent of fighting if he doesn't have to, mostly because he knows he doesn't stand much of a chance. But the idea of being pushed around due to his small size makes him annoyed at best. Even towards his siblings. Especially towards his siblings. He knows that they wouldn't purposely hurt him, even if he crossed some sort of line. And, even if he ends up being wrong and they do, he likes to pride himself on being able to bounce back. Although that's just from small injuries- he wouldn't be able to bounce back from anything major, even if he wants to claim he would be able to.

For a pup, he is surprisingly crude. Or vulgar, really, in the sense that he swears quite a bit and says whatever comes to mind. He'll only fall into this habit around his siblings, though. He knows that adults wouldn't approve, and hates being scolded enough that he will watch his mouth when he's around them. He's still young, he thinks it makes him look cool. When he gets older, he may grow out of it; on the other hand, it may become worse when he realizes that he's not going to hit a late growth spurt and become just as large as his siblings, if not larger. Even if he does decide to break this habit, he'll have a longer struggle ahead, and chances are he'll never be entirely rid of it. He'll say whatever he thinks of, and if he manages to get away with consequences? That's just even better.

He's reckless in that typical pup way. He likes to think he's indestructible, and that nothing would ever hurt him. Deep down, he knows he's wrong, but it'll take until he gets older for any self-preservation to really kick in. When it does, he'll probably wonder just how he survived past puphood. Until that day comes, though, he revels in causing trouble and pulling his siblings into it any way he can. Regardless of if it's tiny pranks or something bigger that he'll barely get away from unscathed, he'll do it. And, in typical pup fashion, he'll probably heckle any siblings that are more cautious of joining in. In that sense, he wants to consider himself a leader; even if he would willingly pass the title on to someone else if they had a more interesting idea than he did.

Despite everything, Airikr is family oriented. Even if he wants to chew their ears off sometimes, he would be the first to come to their side if they needed it. He's not exactly protective, since they can protect themselves, but he would fight for them if he had to. He cares for them, in his own little way, although it involves actions rather than words more often than not. Even if he wanted to hold a grudge, he'd quickly set it aside for them.
General plans: If accepted and if possible, I'll change this account to his. While character development and plans are subject to change, he'll most likely stay loosely family-aligned. While he may not join the band, I like the idea of him being a sort of regular in that he doesn't have to say he's visiting because he does it so often. I'd also like for him to have a family of his own, but that will be a while from now.