
Baby, it's cold outside

Resin - fighting seasonal prompt


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-17-2020, 03:53 PM

The snow storm that had caught her and Sirius in the Redbud Nook had certainly been a dangerous issue in the moment, but on the way back as they trekked though the snow that had piled up she realized just moving though the snow had added another level of difficulty to the trip. For someone like her who wasn't the tallest wolf around by any stretch of the imagination, making her way though the snow had been quite a task. By the time they got back to the Armada's territory she was completely worn out from wading through the wintery accumulation. For some wolves that might have deterred them from going back out so soon, but with her training and practice focused brain all she could think of was the possibility of getting caught in a storm or heavy snow and needing to be able to fight. What if they had another raid and the winter weather made it far enough down to cover their territory in snow as deep as what she had seen with Sirius? Or what if they wanted to launch an attack on a pack that lived in the north? She'd need to know how to fight in these kinds of conditions!

Part of her felt a bit bad about dragging Resin out in this weather, but she was also extremely excited about finally getting to spar with Resin and show her everything she had learned. After managing a win during the raid Tamsyn was finally beginning to feel like she was making some progress and like all of her hard work was beginning to show. She wouldn't let herself get overly confident, not that she ever really felt confident with herself anyway. Fighting someone as seasoned as Resin was still going to be difficult. However, unlike when she first started her training, she saw it as a fun, exciting activity to share with a wolf she cared about rather than something to be worried and nervous over.

She shuffled her way though the thin trees of the Nook, glancing around at their frail branches that were still weighed down by the snow that had accumulated on them. Luckily it seemed like the snow from that storm hadn't melted yet and she wondered if this would stick around for the remainder of winter or maybe even grow deeper as more storms came through. For now it was deep enough to come up almost to her elbows if she found a spot that was still untouched by wolves and animals moving through it. Tam found a fairly open area with a beautiful blanket of snow that was glittering in the sunlight. No clouds obscured the sky today so she felt like perhaps they would be safe from getting trapped by another storm today.

The smaller, darker colored female turned to face Resin with a wide grin, her breath causing a small cloud around her muzzle while her tail went wagging gently behind her. "I guess this spot is as good as any, huh?" she asked with a chuckle as she set to figuring out the best way to get into her usual fighting stance with the snow in her way. She usually kept a more crouched, ready to spring sort of stance, but she wasn't able to get as close to the ground now and she certainly wouldn't be quite as nimble here as she liked to be. It was going to be an interesting experiment, that was for sure! She had seen a few glimpses of Resin fighting during the raid with Ashen, but she was excited to see the warrior in action for herself.