
Baby, it's cold outside

Resin - fighting seasonal prompt



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
05-17-2020, 05:20 PM

When Tamsyn invited her to go on a little journey with her, Resin was pleased. She was more than pleased. Not only would it be a change of scenery, but she would get to spend time with the woman that she was slowly becoming so fond of. It was nice to get out of Armada territory even if the snow made going incredibly slow. Tamsyn had informed her of the location in mind and had suggested a spar so that she might gain some experience fighting in deep snow. The ash and onyx woman thought it was a great idea. Any time that anyone wished to better themselves, she thought it was a great idea.

Before the raid had begun, the giant woman had honestly been a bit nervous. She hadn't wanted Tamsyn to get injured. It wasn't that she didn't have faith in the woman, it was simply that she was new to the art of battle. Ashen had members that were much more powerful and it was only luck of the draw as to whom she would be pitted against. Resin was pleasantly surprised when Tamsyn came out victorious. She was incredibly proud of her and suddenly realized that she had never told the smaller woman so. In growling tones, she proceeded to do so. "I was very proud of you when you won your fight in the raid, Tamsyn. Very proud." Compliments where they were due.

The farther north they walked, the deeper the snow became. Though her legs were longer, it was difficult even for her. Was Tamsyn really sure that she wanted to do this? From up above, the sun glinted downward and Resin had no choice but to squint against the glaring light. These were far from optimum fighting conditions, but if Tamsyn wanted to test herself, this would definitely be an experience. A chill wind blew here and there, sending sparkling dust up into the air, adding to the visual disturbance. With one eye already gone and the other fighting to see against the bright white snow, the conditions were not optimal for the scarred dame. She should have had Iolaire craft her a helmet to go along with the crocodile armor that she now wore almost constantly. The raid and then the attack by the pack of dogs made her anxious and slightly paranoid. She wanted to be ready at all times.

The smaller fae stopped, having chosen the place for their battle. Resin released an amused snort, tendrils of steam snaking from her dusty blue nose like smoke. The same happened when she opened her mouth to speak. "As you wish." The giantess plowed a path through the snow so that she and Tamsyn were facing one another. She gave a wiggle, loosening the thick white powder around her. Then, with nothing more than a single nod, the large woman dove through the snow, closing the distance as quickly as the powder would allow. Lowering her head, ears tucked, she sprang forward, aiming to slam the top of her head into the dark woman's chest like a battering ram.


Total- 1127

Resin Scarpaw vs Tamsyn for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year.
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Clawed leather bracers
Defensive Battle Accessory: Crocodile armor
Companion 1: Side-striped jackal, Female - Battle
Companion 2: Side-striped jackal, Male - Battle
Mutation 1: Serrated fangs - Offensive
Disability: Partial blindness - Moderate
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]