
The Last Night

Death Thread



7 Years
Extra large
05-18-2020, 12:58 PM


Torin much like the rest of his family it seemed, wasn't exactly sleeping well lately. The stress of losing his mate and child was compounding on the lack of anything seeming to happen in his own pack. His sleep lately had been restless and he'd only just managed to slip back into a light doze when he heard his sister calling for him.

Kairi had moved her den close to his own lately, and he'd taken a bit of a small comfort from that. He blinked, groaning and rolling onto his side for a moment, unsure if he'd been dreaming or not. But then he heard Kairi again, the tone of panic in her voice shaking his tiredness instantly. Torin jumped to his paws, shook himself out quickly and bolted from the den.

It took moment for his brain to catch up to what it was Torin was seeing. He blinked. Torin was frozen for a moment, his jaw working as if he was trying to say something but he was simply unable to say anything. Then the pain hit him, like a charging bull. Torin had known his father wasn't long for the world... of course, he knew, but he was nothing if not good at denial. But as he stared, wide-eyed, at his sister cradling the unmoving form of his father he knew, all the protections he'd made in his mind shattered. He didn't need to check, he knew from his sister and from the way his father looks unnaturally stiff... he knew what had happened.

Awkwardly Torin finally managed to wrench his limbs into moving, he moved to stand behind his sister, collapsing onto his haunches and bending to cradle her. He stared a head at his father's corpse blankly, no tears, no sobbing, just numbness seeping into his limbs. He's lost so many, his sister, his niece, his father... and of course his other siblings and mother whom he didn't even get to know the fate of. He'd grown so used to the grief he wasn't even sure he could feel it anymore.

Original Coding by Shelby
Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3