
You said you don't want me anymore



5 Years
Extra large
08-27-2013, 02:39 PM

His thoughts were whirling as he waited for her answer. She was a pretty little thing, dipped in ebony with a interestingly colored tail and eyes of vibrant emerald. His father would think she would make a great addition to the Brood, but she was only a yearling; much too young to be part of a brood. And yet his father didn't care about age, only looks and usefulness. Sometimes he wished Isardis wouldn't bring women in to use them, but instead to give them sanctuary. Did he even tell them why he was allowing them to stay in Glaciem? If they didn't he would be sure to let Maia know, in case she decided to join.

Glaciem? Mostly, a new beginning. A new place to call home. And perhaps a little exploring. She tilted her head at the word Glaciem, as if curious about where his home was. Have you heard of Glaciem? It's not too far from here, only a few hours travel. He motioned back in the direction he came with his muzzle, allowing his gaze to stray to the paw prints he'd left behind before turning back to face the young woman, noting the slight smirk that curled her ebon lips. So you're looking for a new home? Have any packs in this land caught your attention? He secretly hoped that she wouldn't show interest in curiosity. He had just met her and he was already taking a liking to her, enough to wish her better luck anywhere else that wasn't Glaciem.

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