
lady lady lovely



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-18-2020, 05:28 PM
Unending emotion sounded in his deep voice as he poured his heart out for his dear wife. He brushed her muzzle and shifted to whisper the quiet lyrics into her ear as he held her tight. Roan wouldn’t ever let her go. She beamed up at him, surprised and joyful about his song at the same time. He kissed away her tears, his heart thrumming along with the rhythm in excited beats. The silver marked warrior would have sang to her forever, but as his song came to and end he let Iolaire pull him closer.

Roan held her gently and squeezed back lovingly as she thanked him for everything that he’d done. ”You can feel how much I love you, but I wanted you to be able to see it too.” Roan confessed lightly as she pulled back to meet his forest green gaze and tell him how happy she was in those moments. Of every moment of the rest of their lives that they would spend together. ”We were meant to be together. I feel it. I’m complete when i have you beside me.” He told her softly as she slipped from his grasp to fetch a surprise of her own.

The massive dark furred wolf leaned back to get more comfortable on the furs. The den was beginning to warm, and the edge was taken off the snowy chill. Anticipation built, and soon enough they would make the air even warmer. Roan watched her curiously, unable to take his eyes off of her as she returned with a jar. His dark ears perked as she offered him the tempting fruit. Roan adopted a wicked grin and ever so carefully took the strawberry from her claws with his tongue. ”mmm” He muttered as he licked his lips, never losing eye contact with his dainty love. ”Not as sweet as you are…” He told her suggestively as he aimed to steal a kiss.

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.