
Muddy Paws




3 Years
05-18-2020, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2020, 07:38 PM by Amaranth.)
Winter was inbound, that much was certain. Mornings arrived encrusted in a thick frost, and afternoons were more often than not spent beneath a shroud of iron-clad clouds, thick with the promise of snow. Of course, the clouds were a damn tease, because there was no snow. Not yet. Soon, but what good had soon ever done anyone? No, it was just morning after morning of frost, which inevitably turned the ground beneath Amaranth’s paws into mud… Morning, after morning, after morning.

The adventure to Boreas had been a longer trek than she’d initially anticipated. Her early thoughts of ‘Oh, what a grand adventure!’ and ‘How hard could it possibly be?’ and of course, ‘What’s the worst that could happen?’ were dashed almost instantly but it wasn’t in her nature to turn back. All of the complications she’d faced weren’t weighed against her age or ability, as they perhaps should have been, but instead rationalized by the logic of ‘Well if it weren’t for this damn mud this would’ve been easy.’

She woke in the morning cold and caked with yesterday’s dirt. The dirt didn’t bother her much but the cold absolutely did. Her pelt, just now growing in its first winter undercoat, seemed ill-equipped for the season’s changing. Every day, trekking along mile after mile, she told herself that it was warmer where she was headed. Whether that was true or not, well... It was a nice tale, and she knew her father and siblings at the very least waited for her, and Gus was around too… somewhere.

Had she lagged behind intentionally? Well, yes. Did she think her diversion was well intentioned at the time? Of course!.. Would she say the same if you asked her that now? To your face, obviously, even if she did grumble herself to sleep every night. How much further could she possibly have to go? Was she in Boreas already? To be honest she had no idea where the rest of her family had been heading, but she was probably going in the right direction… By this point, her coat was properly disheveled and mud caked her limbs up to her elbows. She eventually decided that this was enough trekking for today. Whenever spring arrived she’d bathe. For now, perhaps a rest…

(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)