
Muddy Paws




3 Years
05-18-2020, 10:02 PM
Mara groaned as she leaned down into a stretch, enjoying the slight ache and release of her muscles, then flopped sideways. She found her thoughts wandering to her father, to Mæ and Gwyn and Airi. Gus was around... somewhere, and she'd seen him earlier that day too so she didn't feel compelled to worry about him much. The others she missed. They couldn't have fallen that far behind, so how many more days would she have to spend slogging through the mud? Truthfully... she didn't want to think about it.

Amaranth was in the middle of trying to think about something else when a familiar voice broke in. She looked up to see her other brother seemed to have caught up to her at last. Despite his words a wide grin stretched at her lips. "Airi! Did you walk here yourself or did an eagle swoop in and drop you off?" Mara heaved herself back to her feet so she could greet him properly, and by properly she meant attempt to drape her muddy forelimbs over his shoulders in a mockery of a hug. Before she reached him, though, a new scent drifted through the clearing and caught her attention. If she was grinning pleasantly before, it looked positively feral now.

Mara considered her options, but eventually settled on feigning dramatics. "Oh, the gods are good to me, delivering my brother to my side! If only my other brother was here as well. I do miss him so!" She faked a pitiful, hiccuping sob, walking slowly as she did so across the space. She had no idea where Gus had squirreled himself away but if she had anything to say about it, he'd also be getting a proper greeting in very short order. Riki was fun to mess with, sure, and she'd get back to that. But Gus was famous for his dislike of 'ick' and it was one of Mara's very favorite things about him for all of the wrong reasons.

(Amaranth has a male Bobcat companion, if he is not mentioned assume he is not present)