
Somebody has been eating my porridge



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-18-2020, 11:51 PM

Tamsyn smirked a little at Sirius' attempts to dampen her enthusiasm even though she was already certain it was a done deal. Fine, she replied teasingly with a soft chuckle. She looked back at the bear enviously, a bit jealous of how she seemed to be able to just doze off without a care. As tired as she was from the training they had been doing and from the track through the storm to get here, she still didn't think she could sleep as easily as this bear could. Sleep had started coming more easily since she got settled in the Armada and met Resin, but there was many years of her life when sleep was a scarce and uneasy thing. She smiled a little at how innocent their new bear friend seemed as it snoozed near them and wondered what that must be like.

Turning her mint eyes toward the entrance of the cave, she looked out at the flurry of snow that continued to fall outside. The wind at least seemed to be calming down a bit, but it was snowing fairly heavily still. It made her wonder how deep the snow would be when they finally got out of here. "Thank you for training with me again, by the way," she commented, looking back to Sirius with a smile. "I think I might just get the hang of this fighting thing after all." She chuckled softly and glanced down toward the floor of the cave thoughtfully. If someone had told her even just a few months ago that she would be learning how to fight and actually be enjoying it she would have told them they were crazy. Now that she was actually getting some more experience under her belt she was actually beginning to believe that she might be able to defend herself and be useful to the pack she had stumbled into.