



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-18-2020, 11:58 PM

Her reaction was both familiar, and then confusing as hell. He was used to the initial shock of a seeing a glowing horse with a unicorn horn. He was also huge. He was generally mistaken for some sort of spirit, mythical creature, avenging deity to the stallions that tried to claim his last few harems and hadn’t heard of the horse who led the herd and experienced him barreling out of the blue at them.

But he didn’t think he’d ever had a filly mistake him for something that would willingly hurt them. “I would sooner throw myself off a tall cliff than harm a filly, miss.”

He was genuine in tone, ears flicking back. Shifting, he moved to give her a good distance, ready to leave if she needed it. It was clear he wouldn’t approach her unless she asked him to. Otherwise, his body language was peaceful, tail flicking over one hip. With winter’s embrace settling around the, his coat was wholly shaggy now, and he practically had a beard along his jaw with the thick winter coat. Wangui had plaited his mane carefully, a big feat for one lemur, considering how much hair was in that mane. It meant his neck was cold, but mats were rare.

Isolde took to the sky again, circling higher and higher to keep watch on the surroundings, and Wangui moved to leap onto his withers, ensuring that if he moved off, she wouldn’t have to follow after him.

Almost sympathetically, he added, "I take it you're newly pushed from your herd? It's always a bit scary in the first several months. I am Taliesyn, by the way. And by my honor, I mean you no harm."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think