
Gifted Talents [Malalia]


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-19-2020, 12:01 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2020, 12:02 AM by Malalia.)

She finally broke into peals of laughter when she saw that silly little dance he did. Her ears twitched at the mention of the hide, her head tilting slightly. "You sentimental so-and-so," she teased, but even the jest was lightly made, her tone tinged with wonder and gratitude. He could've used any old hide. Hell, he could've added it to his pack's stores and not even thought about making something for her. But he did.

Oh, but the gift giving was far from over, apparently, as Cairo went on to explain the addition of pouches and reveal several other goodies packed inside. She laid a gentle paw over each article, silently noting their uses as she often did when she was reviewing herbs. She found the mortal and pestle soon enough, huffing softly with laughter as she remembered him showing her how to use one for the first time. And now she had one that was hers.

She blinked rapidly a few times. "I think you're gonna make me cry." Ah, the girl was joking, but her fluttering little heart didn't really know what to do. Except -- "Wow, I'm dumb, I didn't even say—" And for this, she bumped her head each time into his shoulder. "—thank you, thank you, thank you!" She pulled back with a grin and shining green eyes. "It's awesome, Cai. It's um... it's a really thoughtful gift...."

Her eyes slid back over to the armor, and she padded around it. It was still a bit of a shocking thing, but it was hers, so.... "I'm gonna give it a go." With a bolt of enthusiasm  she leaned down and tried to wiggle into the thing from the back end, and.... Oh dear, that wasn't going to work. For all her bravado, she was unused to armor and how to put it on, exactly. She pulled back and gave a good shake of her scruff, before shooting a pleading glance at her friend. "Uhhh... I might need a little help?" Just a little.
