
Gifted Talents [Malalia]

Cairo II


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (295)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

9 Years

Halloween 2020 - Witches HutValentines 2020
05-19-2020, 01:15 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2020, 01:15 AM by Cairo II.)

Ah, but he did so love making others happy. A snicker escaped as she remarked upon his sentimentality and his muzzle bobbed in agreement. He’d left their first meeting already considering what to make with the hide, with her in mind. She’d left a lasting, good impression on him.

Not to mention, she would need some physical protection. A pack with the name of Armada was bound to be highly war-themed. She’d need the armor. Maybe it’d give her an edge in her rise through the ranks.

He grinned at her exploration of the pouches, his tail thwacking the ground in a rhythm of pleasure. Knowing his own nature, he’d probably be trying out making a helmet for her—he hadn’t tried making head protection yet. “As long as they’re happy tears.”

His voice was playfully teasing, eyes half narrowed in a smile. Then it broke into a laugh at her thanks. He was a physically affectionate sort of man, and readily accepted the shoulder thumps with a light drape of the paw over her back in turn, thrilled she liked it, and thrilled that it would be well used.

He sat back with a little smirk on his lips as she tried to wiggle into the armor, rubbing his muzzle with the back of one paw as she wriggled back out of it, hiding a chuckle.

Nodding he rose and picked up the armor by the back of the collar, holding it up so that the breast-collar hung away from the ruff, leaving room for her to slip her head through while the belly-band hung unfastened at one side. Once she was in he released the collar of the armor, sneezing softly to clear the tickle left behind by the sheep fur ruff and bent way under the smaller wolf’s sternum to snag the belly strap, pulling it under like the girth of a saddle.

He showed her how to fasten it over the bear tooth button that matched the buttons on either pouch. Under severe stress the leather loop the bear tooth was attached with would snap, but that was a good thing, in case an opponent got a good hold on the armor and tried to drag her. She would even be able to worm her way out backward if it was captured.

Stepping back, he looked her over with a calculating eye and grinned, nodding in approval. “It looks great on you.”

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