
Gifted Talents [Malalia]


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-19-2020, 02:55 AM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2020, 02:56 AM by Malalia.)

She smirked in turn. "You don't even know, man, I'm just gonna start bawling. Sad tears? Angry tears? Who friggin' knows..." Luckily, Malalia wasn't much of a crier, as heartfelt as her thanks had been. Jeez, that would've been embarrassing.... although, maybe not as embarrassing as not knowing how to put on the damn thing. Oh yeah, she'd seen that sneaky little paw-rub, but the movement failed to hide the mirth in his eyes. She glared jokingly at him, maybe bristled a little to look intimidating -- stop laughing! -- though for all intents and purposes she probably looked more like a whiny cub than an imposing she-wolf.

Before long, though, her features smoothed into a grin, paired with a small huff as she stepped aside for Cairo. Once he held the armor up, she slipped in easily, and followed closely as she showed her how to fasten and secure the straps. Once all was done, it fit snugly over her back, tight enough to be secure without chafing.

She couldn't help but let out a humorous snort at his comment. "Uh huh, says the wolf who crafted it. Very humble I see." She threw him a teasing, sidelong glance before taking a few, slow steps around. Now and then she looked back to herself, how the armor moved with her. "It does look great, though. Feels great, too." She kept moving away until she started up a short sprint across the snow, the pouches tapping against her hips as she ran. The wolf wheeled back around after a few seconds, loping back over with a giddy smile.

She sat down, gave Pach the opportunity to lean up and sniff over the new armor for himself. Her head tilted curiously. "Do you make armor a lot? Did you make your own, too?" she asked, recalling the green armor he'd worn when they first met.
