



5 Years
Other species
05-19-2020, 04:53 PM
[Image: UkdLFxJ.png?3]

Within her grey and white chest, Acacia's heart thudded harder than it should. There was no doubt in the mare's mind that she was going to die young. Either from being killed by a predator or her poor heart giving out just like it had in her uncle. When Taliesyn invited her closer, she took the invitation, high stepping through the grass to reach his side. She couldn't lower her guard immediately, but she was feeling a bit more comfortable. When he began to leisurely crop at the grass, she shot one last glance at the area around them before lowering her own head. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her. She still felt nervous, but then again, she always felt nervous.

"You have a... thing on you." She was talking about the animal sitting on him. Or it had been sitting on him. Acacia didn't really want to look right at it in case it made the creature angry and decided to attack her. She'd never seen an animal like that and had no idea what it was. They didn't have such things where she came from. Even if they did, why was it sitting on him? To Acacia, companions were a foreign concept. All her herd had needed were the horses within it. None of them had outside species around.

Again the loud caterwaul of the puma sounded and the mare went rigid, head darting upward and swiveling about with wide eyes. "Maybe we should go?" She suggested. Or maybe she should go. No doubt she was a burden on Taliesyn. She was definitely a burden on Canyon, so she had to at least be an inconvenience to the horned stallion.

-*As her protector, Canyon may infiltrate any of Acacia's threads.*-
[Image: UkdLFxJ.png?3]