
Guess I’m taking the fall



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-20-2020, 08:08 PM

His teeth connected with Dom's leg and he found himself gripping onto it as his brother yanked his leg leg away from him in the same way he might try to latch onto a deer he was trying to down. Instead of landing his bite and letting go as he had originally intended, the thrashing his brother did had made his teeth sink deeper into Dom's skin and with the damage already done he decided to just ride it out and see if he could still manage to pull Dominus off balance. He was on a high of adrenaline and was as utterly focused on this fight as he would be in a hunt, but instead of trying to earn himself a meal he was dead set on proving his worth to his brother. This felt like his reintroduction to the Praetor side of his blood and it was... thrilling. It was all much more rough and tumble and less organized and thought out than the training spars he had experienced with the wolves he had been living with. This felt more raw and more real even though it was not much more than a quick scuffle between brothers.

His one red eye shifted and caught Dom rearing his head back out of the corner of his vision only moments before his brother went to head butt him. It was far too late for him to effectively dodge him, and a second later he felt Dominus' head connect hard with the side of his own. It made him grunt with pain and sent stars across his vision and made him release the limb he was gripping on to, but not before his teeth unintentionally ripped though the skin there a bit more as he jerked his head back. He stumbled back from Dom by a few steps, shaking his head a bit to clear the ringing that the hit to his temple had caused. When he blinked his eyes open again he shot Dominus a crooked grin and chuckled, panting lightly from the way the quick fight had made his heart race.

Casso considered launching another attack, but the logical side of his mind finally spoke up and reminded him that there was no way for him to truly win against Dominus - especially not with his balance thrown off the way it was now. "I've missed this," he said truthfully with another slightly breathless chuckle. He still had mixed feelings about being back in Boreas, but finding Dominus had reminded him why he wanted to find his siblings so badly. As much as he wanted to be different than his father, there was no denying that pull that he had to the Praetor side of him.

non-judged spar, round two <3

"Speech" Thought