
I Won't Be Left

for casso



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

05-20-2020, 08:31 PM

Kiela. An interesting name for an interesting woman. He certainly wasn't surprised when she mentioned that she had grown up far from here - her accent and the uneven cadence of her speech was proof enough of this. When he had been younger he couldn't imagine how much more land their could be beyond the shores of Boreas and Auster, but now that he had traveled and seen more of it he had a better grasp of how much more unknown lands there were beyond the places they currently had within their reach. He knew there were wolves who craved to cover as much ground as they could and spent their days exploring unknown locations, but he had never felt the desire to be one of those wolves. He enjoyed seeing beautiful sights like this one from time to time and even enjoyed the time he had spent traveling from one side of Boreas to the other, but that was about the extent of his desire to explore.

Casso gave her a curious glance when she asked about seeing any caribou during his trip. "No, unfortunately I haven't come across them just yet. I haven't gone very deep into the north though so its possible I just haven't crossed paths with them yet." From what he knew about caribou he knew they were quite large with impressive antlers so the hunter in him was certainly interested by the thought. It seemed oddly specific for her to be asking about that one particular type of animal instead of just looking for a herd of prey, but she at least had his attention. "What has you interested in caribou specifically?" he asked curiously, his head tipping slightly to the side as he spoke. Was there something else besides just hunting that she could want them for? He knew some wolves crafted items from materials they got from certain animals so perhaps caribou pelts were particularly good for that and he just didn't know.

"Speech" Thought