
don't eat the yellow snow




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-21-2020, 02:29 AM
Hia counting was slow and precise, but as he heared her vanish into the distance, he sunk into the earth a little. He was freezing, and folding it on himself helped to ease the chill. There wasn't a dry patch on him, and his nose kept running. He didnt want Mal to see him looking so miserable and foolish at his silly choices. When at last his hit zero, he followed it with a violent sneeze, shaking his head and turning back towards the forest. Right. He had a slippery little trouble maker to find.

He glanced to his companions Jon's, out of ha it not malicious intend. Saph caught his look and raised a wing in a wave, and an apologetic shrug. She wasnt going to say a thing, and nor did Mortis want her to. He managed a grin for her, and glances about the woods. He considered camping out by the tree, making a fire and waiting her out, but that would be like cheating. Instead he moved cautiously forward. He sniffed at her scent trail, and raised his head upwards, looking in the direction it seemed to indicate. He furrowed his brows and tried to guess what her game would be this way.

He couldnt shake the feeling he had eyes on him, so using his remaining mud as camouflage, he smeared it over the lighter markings on his body. That done, he slunk into the undergrowth, and moved a short way away, watching her scent trail distrust fully. He was certain she was going to try and outsmart him, but how?