
this is she




Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-21-2020, 04:35 AM
Mortis Fatalis

She moved in front of him, and he remained seated. For the first time, she would have the advantage of height over him, as he looked up at her, speechless. A half-smile graced his lips when she brought up a paw, poking him gently between the eyes. He fought the urge to grab her paw, not wanting to ruin the moment. He still wasn’t certain what to make of the funny feelings running through his chest. The adrenaline still graced his veins, and he wasn’t sure where to direct his left over emotions. Some part of him, some strange foriegn part, wanted to grab her paw and kiss it. What did he make of that? He didn’t even understand kissing. He was blushing again, confused.

He was grateful when she gave him distraction, her gaze mischievous as she shoved her head into his chest, and backpedaled quickly away from him. “That it's happening, and there's nothing you can do to change it” he promised her.

He bounced to his paws, stretching out his muscles in the same motion. He let his wings unfurl from his side. The game was afoot, and he couldn’t let Mal win, not easily at any rate. A part of him was anxious at bringing himself into close combat with her, especially when he was still feeling confused. He wished he could talk to Auntie Io, she would help him straighten out his head.

Trying to put his mind to the game, the boy charged, leaping forward, wings outstretched, as he aimed to crash into the smaller wolf.


Mortis Fatalis vs Malalia for the right to a kiss
Round 1/2
Age: under 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Front leg bracers with knife
Defensive Battle Accessory: Back leg bracers
Companion 1: Snow leopard, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Kea, Female - Battle
Mutation 1: Saber fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Feline claws - Offensive
Mutation 3: Wings - Offensive
Skills: Expert Fighter & Advanced Hunter
Specialty: N/A