
Tears to Roses



09-02-2013, 07:42 PM

It was nice to think about the fact maybe the slate he had pretty much scribbled all over could be wiped clean. He didn't want pain to be the base of their relationship because he hadn't been good enough at the time. Though, it wasn't hard for him to admit someday he wanted to try again, wanted to try to lead his family to success, to something good. It wasn't that Chrysanthe was doing a bad job, it was just that he had something to prove to himself. There was no involvement with anyone else, and he wanted to be sure that if his time ever rolled around he made that clear. It was about him in that instance, not about anything else.

"Wait until you see them," he smiled proudly at Epiphron; she was growing into quite the young woman. "I see you'll be giving your own husband a gift to cherish soon enough. Maverick and yourself are so young though, are you happy?" he had to wonder if she was okay with both children and the new title of Queen becoming hers. It was something strange, something he didn't like to think about her having to deal with and risking the life of what grew within' her, "Don't...let yourself get stressed. Soleil's birth was...horrifying," he left off the part they would be having no more children, that was an argument they would deal with when it got time.

"Soleil is doing fine now that she's recovered, and Soleil is adapting to the life of being someone important. I need to talk to Chrysanthe though, I believe arrogance is getting to Azalea and I don't like it," something had to teach her ethics and hard work, being handed everything was not going to do that, "Maverick better be treating you good. Cairo might not be here to handle him, but I still am," One more thing needed to be mentioned and he nodded to her, it was awkward to talk of, "Syrinx and Eos came back to Valhalla. With their children,"