
lady lady lovely



5 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!
05-22-2020, 06:40 AM

Roan wasn’t sure that he had ever felt bliss like this before, his wife was perfect and they were more perfect together. He savored his strawberry as she placed one on her tongue as well. The flavor was sweet but also held the warmth of the mead. Iolaire submitted to his kiss and reclined with him onto the fluffy furs beneath them. After so much work and care he was finally able to provide the romantic setting they enjoyed right now. It was even more complete when she offered up the strawberries.

A deep rumble sounded in his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought them closer. The smile still hadn’t left his features as they kissed, his mind was solely on her and he could feel the excitement build in his bones. She pulled away slightly and as though she didn’t know asked what he had planned for their night. He grinned wickedly. ”I thought you’d never ask.” Teasing her, Roan leaned forward and stole away another kiss, this one much more suggestive than the last. He lingered softly before releasing her to answer more fully. ”It’s our wedding night,” Roan spoke as though she hadn’t been beside him since early that day. ”I’m going to make love to you until the sun peeks over the horizon.” He pulled her closer and added, ”I might keep going even after that.”

He pressed his forehead against hers and held onto her tightly, listening for a moment as their hearts seemed to beat in sync. Roan breathed her in, and enjoyed every moment he had with her. Roan’s skin prickled with electricity at every point their bodies met, with slow careful movements the silver marked warrior doted on his wife. He placed teasing nibbles on her neck as his huge paw caressed the small of her back. Roan pressed his belly to hers and moved up her neck to her jaw and finally to her soft ears.

”I love you, Iolaire.” He felt the weight of those words deep in his soul, she was his other half and his partner. Their lives were intertwined as much as the rope that had bound their paws together. She was his and he was hers.

"Iolaire" --"Roan"

As his Wife Iolaire may enter any of his threads.