
The Light of Winter


Polaris I


1 Year
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019
05-22-2020, 04:25 PM
Eyes scanned the surrounding area of the lake as her cranium tilted slightly. She had traveled a good distance from the pack to go exploring, now that she was older she could venture even further if she wanted to. The cold chill of Winter whipped across her body, but her thick pelt kept her secure from the frigid temperatures. The cold, however, did bite her nose whenever she took a breath, causing the alabaster wolf to sneeze, albeit quietly. Orca shook the snow that fell off her pelt. At least the fall was slow, but the snowflakes were rather large in size.

With night upon the horizon, the plankton that swam below the surface began to show their colors to the world, illuminating the lake in a bluish hue. The spectacle was rather mesmerizing to say the least, and the yearling’s tail swayed freely against the ground. However, the canine did wish that her siblings or even her father had come along with her on this adventure. She always wanted to learn things and experiment with what limits she possessed, especially when it came to fighting.

Her mind wandered for what felt like an eternity as the night and place were peaceful and full of serenity. But, the wolfess would focus her attention on the plankton, and possibly some food if there was prey around. The pack should never run low on food, that was for certain. Especially in the winter months when there could be a shortage, a wolf could never be too careful.
[Image: Polaris_pixel.png]