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5 Years
09-11-2013, 01:14 PM

Anthem may have been pleased to begin with, and though now partially sheltered from her view, Novella could tell that his mood was shifting. The little whines were of course her biggest clue and though they were older and had been caring for Anthem for far longer than she had, she was a little disappointed in her siblings for worrying him like this now. If she felt that Song didn't deserve the treatment she was receiving, there was certainly no way that Anthem should have to witness such hostility between his siblings, all of whom he still clearly adored.

It appeared that Anthem's reaction was all that was needed to suddenly bring over more calm, Symphony and Howl likely realising the same thing as Novella, Symphony suddenly finding her voice. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions. No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..."

It certainly wouldn't have been out of character for Novella to interject with some kind of other question or statement of her own, and it appeared that Symphony was although expecting not currently willing to tolerate that. Although she had stood automatically by Song's side, even now she couldn't help but admit that Symphony did have a point. It had been quite the distance, but a visit would have been nice. She could have met her sister far earlier in life had that been the case. It likely wouldn't have stopped this little adventure though, her departure hadn't been entirely discussed with her parents however, never once had she brought up the point she would be travelling alone, in fact this hadn't been revealed to a single one of her siblings. She had left rather suddenly and had claimed it was simply to catch up to them at the arranged meeting point before they left.

"But I couldn't come back Symphony. After I left I came here and I met Cherokee. I wanted you in my life, that's why he tried to get you. We wanted to introduce our family. I couldn't stay with mother." Now would have been another time for questions. Novella and the rest of her litter hadn't actually met or heard of Cherokee, any adventures had been set off on completely oblivious to what might be happening. There wasn't a chance to ask her questions though, her elder sisters continuing with their discussion. "Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She let a small smile grace her pearly lips, "I didn't want to leave on bad terms with anyone. Mother just pushed me so hard. I had to go Symphony."

At last a show of affection between the pair, if none of the conversation had calmed Novella at all this certainly had done the trick. At last before her now stood two wolves who actually appeared to be sisters through more than appearance. Howl however still stood quietly at Anthem's side, looking away from the situation. It was a little disheartening but she hoped that later Symphony would be able to talk some sense into him, although younger and less informed of the entire ordeal, it was rather likely that Novella would try herself if she had to.

"So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." Pups? Novella's attention shifted back to her sister's at this point, rather intrigued. There were pups? Aside from when she was a pup with the rest of her litter, Novella had never actually been around them before and as two small wolves bounded to Song's side, Novella shifted slightly to get a better look at them "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" Well apart from Howl, he still needed sorting out, but Novella would have quite confidently stated the belief that the rest of them, even Symphony would get along fine soon enough.

"It's alright baby, I know. This is Novel and Canta." In appearance Novella had certainly taken after her mother more than any of Novel and Dutiron's other pups, whether the similar naming had been done on purpose or not she couldn't be too sure, she was certain however that the little pup before her now had been named after her grandmother on purpose, although not for her looks. Instead her guess was that Song must have had some regrets about everything, it only helped strengthen her opinion that Howl had to come to his senses soon.

Before any kind of introduction could be given in return to the pups another wolf suddenly burst into the scene. Novella's head lifted to look towards the brown figure of yet another Destruction family member. Although she hadn't expected to see him, a part of her now almost wouldn't have been too shocked if Lyric, Story and Myth appeared shortly as well. "Symphony! Howl! Anthem! Novella!" He called before stopping besides their brothers, greeting them and falling quiet. "That's Legend." She confirmed for Song's sake, now giving a face to match the name she had mentioned earlier on. "Apparently he's not at home after all."