
running through my mind


Missing from Armada

2 Years
05-25-2020, 01:12 AM

Mal gave an inward groan, and sunk just a little deeper into the springs as someone identified her presence there. "I mean, it's probably impolite to say that you are, right?" Her tone was more apologetic than irritated. It's not like no one frequented these springs, she knew that, but she was hoping to snag a quiet moment with herself. It wasn't a frequent occurrence for the friendly gal, but everyone needed some time alone, didn't they?

She gave a small shake of her head. Even so, she didn't own the springs. "Seriously, don't mind me, though -- " Opening her eyes, the girl trailed off mid-sentence as she took in her companion. A horse. A pure white, softly glowing horse. With a horn sitting smack in the middle of its forehead. As her gaze moved, the stranger shimmered -- iridescent, shifting tones of blue and silver and purple flashing across his coat.

Her eye twitched, head cocking slightly with wonder, and not a small amount of humor as she exhaled, chuckling, through her nose. A winged wolf, a glowing angel of death, and now this?? She was a little too out of it to hold back her laughter, though she hoped to whatever gods were looking down on her that this horse would not think she was laughing at him. She wasn't trying to get stomped the fuck out today. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she chortled, pinning her ears back. "You're probably just trying to go about your day. I just... was not expecting to run into a unicorn."

A glowing unicorn, who reminded her of a certain someone, come to think of it. "Hey, this is totally unrelated.... but do you happen to know a wolf named Aurielle?"
