
you feel so tired but you can't sleep



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
05-26-2020, 11:03 AM
Corvus was sweet to check up on her, if Poem wasn’t quite so distressed she would have appreciated the gesture so much more. Knowing she had her cousins and packmates to count on when her mother couldn’t be there for her. He offered to leave her if she really wanted him to, but Poem couldn’t bring herself to do it. Having company when she felt so low helped more than she would admit even to herself. Sorrow like this settled on her shoulders more often than she liked, and only time could heal her wounds.

She sighed softly as she opened her tears stained blue and lavender eyes to meet his forest green gaze. There was more understanding in his gaze than she had expected and as he spoke of his parents she felt their bond grow stronger. He knew what she was going through, he understood every moment of her sorrow, and knowing she wasn’t alone helped. Of course she knew that her sisters were suffering in the same way, but she couldn’t stand the thought of burdening them further. She’s already shared so much tears between them.

”Corvus…” She whispered softly, seeing the emotions that he similarly felt. Hesitating only a moment the girl picked herself up off the floor of the den and made her way to her cousin’s side. With a heavy sigh she relaxed against him. ”It’s so hard.” She pulled from his strength and accepted his support. Maybe she didn’t want company, but now that she was beside him coping was easier. She’d never stop missing her mother, but she wasn’t alone. Not with Corvus, her family, and the pack behind her. ”What did we do to deserve so much hardship?” She questioned, knowing he wouldn’t have a real answer for her.