
Where are you gonna go when I'm gone?


08-27-2013, 08:53 PM

The gratification that swarmed her as a few drops of his blood teased her tongue was immense. As soon as she tasted it, jaws clamped down with force, holding him to her, he would have a serious injury if he tore away from her. He hadn't properly prepared himself, leaving him vulnerable to her force. He stumbled back, his neck bending at an unnatural angle between her paw and jaws. He deep thunderous roar exploded from him, a sound she didn't think possible from the younger male. It drove her on. Blood flowed freely from his neck, coating her tongue with its sweetness. He quickly righted himself, pushing into her hold. To avoid being gagged by his flesh and fur, she pulled herself back, rocking her weight back onto powerful hind limbs. His arched back and wide stance gave him just enough balance to stay upright. But if she added more weight? WIth her forelimb still wrapped around his neck, she reared up, throwing her weight into. Jaws and her leg would force his neck into an even more unnatural position, should she succeed.

She could hear jaws clicking together audibly, feel his fangs brush her pelt until they finally made a purchase at her shoulder. A snarl ripped through clenched jaws as pain shot through her shoulder. He had her by a layer of fatting flesh, not yet hitting the muscle. What the boy didn't know was her lust for the pain, the feeling of fangs piercing her flesh and drawing blood, how it egged her on, pushed her closer and closer to the edge. But now was not the time for pleasure. Now was the time for victory. She refused to let him slip from her grasp, he had his chance and he forfeited it. With the throwing of her weight towards him, she widened the stance of her hind legs, keeping one slightly in the front of the other for added balance with silvery plume waved like a banner behind her. Narrowed coral pools where bright with excitement, carefully pinned audits listening to the sounds of his snarls.

The adrenaline rush from this fight put every sense on high alert. The air got saltier, the sound of crashing waves louder, the wind felt like a lovers caress against her hot skin. The pounding of her blood roared in her ears. She could only hope that her added weight on his neck would force him down, force him to fight from the ground. Doesn't seem like I'm the only one with mommy and daddy issues. His words finally processed in her mind. Her expression became malicious as she was taken back to the night she killed her parents. Or what she referred to as her parents. She remembered bathing in the blood, and the blood of the rest of the pack. It was all so vivid she could practically taste it. The blood, the screams, her brothers touch. So many things had happened the night. It opened the doors for the brother and sister pair, turning them into ruthless monsters. The moment her brother crossed her mind, white hot rage shot through her. The bastard had left her! For some good for nothing whore! It took over. Her rage. Crown shook savagely, ripping open the flesh that was still in her jaws. If only this boy knew.

ATTACKS: Threw her weight into him, putting more pressure on his neck that was still held between her jaws and forelimb, shaking her head back and forth, tearing into his flesh.

DEFENSES: hind legs are spread wide for balance, bent so she could move quickly, tail flagged out for balance, eyes narrowed, audits pinned

INJURIES: bite to her left shoulder


OOC- I got a little confused, she's intending to push him down with her jaws, and is just using her leg to keep him close, the force from her jaws is what's bending his neck, not the other way around c:

Cat Talk, Cena Talk,