


08-27-2013, 09:11 PM
OOC Name: lau
How did you get here?: site merge
Age: old as dirt

Character's Name: Sikte Perdita Adler
Age: 1 yr
Season of birth: Summer
Appearance description:A lovely child who does not think she is beautiful. Luscious tapestry flows over the small frame, colored a slate grey hue. Solid base is only broken by alabaster upon her muzzle and forehead, her left hind paw, underbelly, and the tip of her tail. Despite the fact that her appearance is somewhat plain, dull - at least in her mind - it does not appear that way to others. However, the young woman will never know if she turns heads or not. Sitke is blind, born with weakened optical nerves that quit functioning over time, she has been completely unable to see for a mere two months. As a result, the eyes of the girl that were once a bright and vibrant green have been changed to a milky-pink color.

Sikte is a small girl, petite in every way. She was born the runt of the litter, the last litter her mother bore and all died but her. However, because of her mother's age, the child was born tiny and frail. As she grew, that never changed. Due to the tiny stature of the young lady, she is swift and agile but because she is unable to see, it does not do much good. Because of her blindness, the remaining senses have begun to heighten but have not quite reached their peak. For the time being, Sikte relies on her sense of smell and hearing and occasionally other wolves to help her get around.
Duty: Fisher