
This Is Your Captain Speaking

Raider Promotions + 2nd wave discussion


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
05-26-2020, 08:41 PM
He had finally healed up and was out on patrol when he heard Acere's call for the raiders and other interested parties to gather. He was bitter about his loss to say the least, but he had remained humble about it for the most part. He had talked to Avalon about it, and she had managed to ease his mind. He had to agree with her on some things, after all...he was older now. Much more than he'd been before obviously and his opponent had been younger than him. Whether he liked it or not there was always going to be someone better, and he couldn't always believe he'd win every fight. Let alone fights with younger wolves he thought might be inexperienced. On top of that, he admitted to being distracted during the raid, and that perhaps had a part in his loss. Whether he liked it or not, his mind wasn't entirely at ease. Which meant he wasn't able to keep a clear head half the time. Sighing, he arrived at the meeting and sat towards the back, glittering blue eyes looking quietly watching the others that had participated, and while they hadn't won the raid as a whole, he couldn't deny that he felt a little envy that some of them had managed to win over their opponents. Although the last raid wasn't his moment, he hoped the next one would be...

Art||Plot with me!

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