
We're Goin' Down, Down

Seasonal prompt/Borias



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-27-2020, 01:22 AM (This post was last modified: 05-31-2020, 09:39 PM by Iolaire.)
Enki and Bast had produced kittens. The father had expressed wanting his children to see snow.  True snow.  And so mother,  father,  children and Iolaire packed up the wagon and made their way north. The small wagon had been altered into a sleigh which was pulled by Ila, the mini caribou. The crafty little woman had put long wooden blades on the bottom of the wagon and had smoothed the blades down with sand until they shone brightly. The smooth blades slid easily over snow and made their travel much easier than a wagon might.

The massive trees of the woods soon stretched upwards above them. Enki knew of a set of hills at the edge of the woods. The smallest would be suitable for the children to play on. They made their way there,  the kittens playing in the wagon atop a pile of warm furs. Bast and Enki rolled through the snow like kittens themselves, the little vacation making them rather playful. Iolaire was glad to get them out of the southern lands for a time. Snow leopards were meant to be in the snow, after all.

Once they'd arrived at the little hill,  the quartet of cats began to play,  rolling down said hill. Ila meandered off to graze and roll around in the snow herself. Caribou were also meant to be in the snow. Why Ila was content to be anywhere that Iolaire was was beyond the small wolf. The reindeer had just attached herself to Io one day and had never left, not that she was complaining. Io adored the tiny deer. There wasn't a mean bone in her dwarfed body.

Iolaire settled down upon the furs,  content to watch for a time.  Eventually she would get bored and would need to do something, but for now she was enjoying the warmth of the sun sinking into her glossy onyx coat. She'd brought some tools with her just in case.You never knew when something would break one the wagon. Other than that, she just liked to keep busy. While the cats played, she would probably find some sort of project to delve into.

Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.