
Mud Monsters and Pack ghosts



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
05-28-2020, 01:08 AM
Mortis followed a mad dash in the general direction of the whisper, even when he lost the trail of that voice he continued on. He was a little surprised that Malalia managed to keep pace with him. Even with her help, they found no trace of his sister. Maybe it hadnt been her voice. Maybe it had been no voice at all... but Mal had heard it too, right? He shivered when he pushed free of the grass and earth became sand beneath his feet.

Mal saw the figure before he did. She leaped at him, and the boy gasped in shock. "-Mal!" But it was too late she was pouncing... thin air. Right before his eyes the creature vanished. Impossible. I try impossible. He padded over to Mal, no scent, no prints. Nothing could walk the sand and leave it bare, but this creature had. If he was alone he might think it nothing but his imagination. Experimentally, he poked his friend, and the paw sank into fur and skin. Real. Not a dream.

Together, they looked about the night, for the moment the sensation of eyes was gone. No trace, not even a feeling, to mark the passing of what had been.
'You tell yourself as you continue through
"Its merely the rustling of the leaves,"
But they see you, and they hear you,
And they might not let you leave.'
He whispered, ever so softly, curling into his friends side, his wings down, as he huddled against her.