
I See You


08-27-2013, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2013, 03:59 AM by Gael.)

He was so close to her. This was the closest he'd gotten to her since having returned from his leave of sickness. The yearling wasn't so young anymore, his second birth quickly approaching. He was nearly a man now and with the coming age come things about his body that he wasn't aware of until now...until he was alone with Meili, pressed up against her...Just as his thoughts began to wander down a path they had never wandered down before, a flick of Mei's ears and the turning of her head brought his attention back to the matter at hand. The hunt. You block hr off and take her down if she gets away from me and I'll be sure to send her in your direction? A brief nod was presented to his little woman, a gentle nudge with his muzzle encouraging her to go forward and catch her meal. Silver form was lowered towards the ground, muscles tensing in anticipation.

He followed after her, quiet in his movements as to not give their position away, halting about three yards away, staying in place from the nod given to him, cerulean gaze tracking her movements as she arched around from behind the doe. She waited until the last second, throwing herself at the herbivore, scaring it towards him. He remained hidden, nostrils catching the strong scent of blood. Meili had injured it already. Perfect. He waited until the doe was nearly ontop of him before bursting from the grass, powerful jaws agape as they closed around the animal's throat, forepaws wrapping around its neck as he used his weight to drag the animal to the ground. Gael twisted, managing to throw the deer down, though he still landed rather hard on his right shoulder. His grip never loosened, jaws tightening around the creatures windpipe as he crushed the air from it, waiting out until it stopped breathing before releasing it.

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