
Who needs sleep




8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Witches HutSilver Medal 20201K
05-28-2020, 09:21 PM
Sleep finally came for the man after the events the night before, tiring him out yet refusing to let him sleep much longer than past dawn. In fact, the sun had barely risen when he woke and strode outside of his den to enjoy a nice stretch to wake up his muscles. Studying the communal area, he focused on the obelisk and studied it's words and laws, attempting to memorize them at least for now. He knew he'd do best with this every day - studying as he stretched from his sleep. After a good once over, he trotted off, eager to awaken his tired muscles with a good, fast run.

Whether he stayed far from the borders or not was something he paid much attention to, but he hadn't seen anyone out patrolling, so he assumed he still had a ways to go before crossing any. He'd made a good distance when he heard the call out to him, summoning him back to the communal area, likely where Sirius was expecting him to be this morning. With a quick turn on his heels, he began to retrace his steps back in a swift jog, slowing his heart rate enough from the sprint to approach the communal area without being overworked from his morning exercise.

Approaching the man in his jog, he slowed to finally meet him where he stood. Offering a slight dip of his head in respect, something he had to remember now, and smirked a bit when he relaxed. "Apologies for the wait; I like to wake with a run." It was true, once upon a time. Laziness had taken hold of him while living alone, but he remembered a time in his life when every second of his life was spent training and exercising when he was younger. Perhaps now was the time to take up the habit again.
